If you don’t want to look for an answer to the question of how to wean a child off gadgets later, immediately set time limits for their use.
Experts have named the exact number of minutes a child can spend sitting on a phone.
The figures vary depending on age.

If the baby is not yet three years old, it is not recommended for him to use gadgets at all.
A four-year-old, like a five-year-old, should not be allowed to sit on the phone for more than ten minutes a day.
If we are talking about slightly older children – from five to seven years old – then they can devote no more than 20 minutes a day to such pastime.
Finally, the permitted time for using gadgets for children from seven to 11 years old is no more than half an hour daily.
Experts say that we can talk about the problem of addiction when a person’s (adult’s) screen time exceeds five hours a day.
As for children, you should be wary if the unreasonable use of gadgets exceeds two hours.