The market of children's toys with its rich assortment can easily overwhelm any parent. Moreover, it is constantly being replenished with new and new entertainments.
In this regard, the task of choosing the first toy for a baby becomes simply impossible. If you find yourself in a similar situation, it's time to get acquainted with the recommendations of experts regarding children's toys up to one year.
0-3 months
At this time, the baby will be interested in things that can make quiet sounds: rustling, squeaking, ringing. A good option is bright and contrasting garlands and mobiles that will help the child learn to follow objects, and also contribute to the development of his observation and hearing.

3-6 months
Children of this age can already grab objects offered to them and taste them, so let us remind you of the main requirement for children's toys - they must be made of safe materials. Small and insecurely fastened parts are prohibited.
The little ones still enjoy playing with objects that make different sounds and toys that move - tumblers, balls, etc. During such activities, coordination and gross motor skills are improved.
6-9 months
By the age of 6-9 months, the fidget has already acquired new skills and is ready to distinguish objects by shape, color and sound. To support him in this difficult task, buy multi-colored cubes, sorters, cards and books with simple pictures. A good gift for a child is animal figurines or cars.
9-12 months
The baby is already sitting confidently and is about to walk, but still treats musical toys with tenderness, only now he would like to interact with them: knock with a hammer, press the keys, etc. In addition, it is time to buy pyramids, large puzzles and voluminous molds - all this is necessary for the development of logic and fine motor skills.