Adults do not think about the influence that words or phrases they say in everyday life have on children.
And these aren't always offensive or caustic remarks. You just need to remember that they are harmful and that you need to give them up forever. experts have listed phrases that should not be said or should be replaced.

"You're worrying about nothing"
What adults don't care about seems important and significant to children. Parental statements like these devalue children's emotions.
The right thing to do is to support the child, but such a remark will only make the situation worse.
"You never listen to me"
The words "always" or "never" are categorical and push children into a corner. They may mistakenly conclude that their parents are not interested in their concerns.
To understand the situation, you need to find out the reasons that made the child behave this way.
"You make me sad"
Children should not know that their behavior affects your mood - they can use this for their own purposes.
It would be correct to say what exactly a child should not do.
"You should have thought about it"
The child must understand that his actions lead to consequences, which in the adult world are called guilt. But such phrases will not help him learn to think about consequences.
The right thing to do would be to suggest that he think about how all this can be fixed.
"I'll do it faster myself"
Such words deprive the child of any interest in doing anything other than just helping his parents.
It is very important that he completes the work he starts.
Then children grow up independent.
And you also can’t call a child lazy, a crybaby, a lazy person, or other seemingly harmless words.
Firstly, they destroy relationships, and secondly, if they are said all the time, the child will become what they say about him.