First time in first grade: how parents should behave so that their child successfully adapts to school

31.07.2024 12:35

Not only other people's children grow up quickly, but also their own: sometimes parents don't even have time to come to their senses before their little one becomes a first-grader.

Starting school is an important and intense period associated with a new environment, responsibilities, relationships and other new events and phenomena.

Of course, such changes can cause stress, not only for the first-grader himself, but also for his parents, so adults should definitely get acquainted with simple principles, thanks to which they, together with the child, will be able to safely pass this simple stage.

A schoolgirl
Photo: © Belnovosti

Adequate separation

Don't treat your children as an extension of yourself. When you say that your child must be the best at everything so that you won't be ashamed of him, you are placing idealization and inflated demands on his shoulders, which destroys the individuality of the little person and his ability to be natural.

Remember: your child is not you. Let him be himself - do not demand that he meet your expectations and do not feel guilty for his school failures or excessive pride in his achievements, his grades belong only to him.

Acceptance and support

It is important for a child to learn to rely on himself, his feelings and strengths, and school helps him with this. Parents should take on the role of a reliable rear and provide the student with support and acceptance - through the example of interaction with an understanding adult, children learn to trust themselves.

Convey to your child just one fact: no matter what he does, no matter who says anything about him, he will still remain your beloved baby, and you will always take his side.

Direct trusting contact

Sometimes school becomes a source of difficulties for a child. In this regard, it is extremely important that at any time you can talk to him one-on-one - in an atmosphere of safety, without judgment and showing respect for any of his feelings. Only in this way can you become an authority for your children.

Right to childhood

Even though your child has become a schoolchild and is no longer a baby, he is not an adult yet. Let him have time for idleness and joint leisure. Show him that with the advent of active activity, life only becomes more interesting, and a cloudless childhood does not disappear with the arrival of school days.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Adequate separation
  2. Acceptance and support
  3. Direct trusting contact
  4. Right to childhood

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