For many parents, a walk outside is a welcome time to relax, because the baby, as a rule, sleeps sweetly in his stroller the whole time.
But what if the child used to sleep peacefully, but now refuses to close his eyes?
First, let's note that perhaps the baby has grown up and no longer sleeps as much as before. Putting the baby to sleep if he has outgrown the need for sleep will not work - instead of fruitless attempts, open the canopy of the cradle and give the child the opportunity to observe what is happening around.

If you are sure that this is not the reason, try using the tips below.
Turn on audio fairy tales
Download the audio to your phone in advance – it’s better to choose those fairy tales that are read by a low male voice. It’s quite possible that the child will listen with rapt attention and fall asleep.
White noise
As with audio stories, you should record white noise on your phone in advance and turn it on by placing the phone in the stroller. White noise is calming and serves as a lullaby for many children.
Establish a routine
Try to establish a routine, adjusting walks to the time of daytime sleep. If the baby gets used to falling asleep at the same time, most likely, he will sleep in the stroller.
Dress your child according to the weather
Pay close attention to how you dress your baby. The period when the fidget does not want to sleep in the stroller often occurs when the weather changes – from warm to cold and vice versa. If the baby is hot or cold, it will be difficult for him to fall asleep.
Lay on your stomach
If the baby can hold his head up, put him on his stomach during a walk – the baby will either fall asleep or just lie quietly.
Previously, we talked about how to choose high-quality colored pencils for your child.