Caries in baby teeth should be treated in the same way as in adults.
Do not try to brush it off or use any other home remedy - even if you succeed, you will remove the caries along with the enamel, after which the tooth must be removed.
You shouldn't ignore a visit to the pediatric dentist, and there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, baby teeth do not all fall out at once.
After one falls out, another one, a molar, will grow in its place, which will be forced to coexist with the caries foci on other baby teeth. It is not difficult to guess what will happen next.
Secondly, caries is not just “about aesthetics”.
The destruction, if not eliminated, will eventually reach the pulp, as a result of which the child will become familiar with toothache.
Due to painful sensations, the baby will become restless, will not be interested in the world around him, will have difficulty falling asleep, will eat poorly and, accordingly, will gain weight poorly.
Earlier we talked about why infants shouldn’t have cow’s milk .