What baby things can only be bought new: even if they are twice as expensive

29.06.2024 15:20

Since Soviet times, there has been a habit of passing on children's things "by inheritance", which was associated with a shortage of these goods, and especially imported ones.

Many people still believe that buying a crib or stroller second-hand is a completely normal way to save money.

But not all children's products can be bought on the secondary market. We will tell you which of them can only be bought new.

Photo: © Belnovosti


Even if the seller says that the pair was worn 2-3 times, this is not a reason to pay for the purchase. And in a short time, the shoes can become deformed, which will cause discomfort when walking.

You also need to remember about diseases, fungus and other troubles.

The same applies to roller skates. But the problem is broader here – the fastenings and other mechanisms may wear out, which will affect the child’s safety.

Hats and scarves

It's just not hygienic. It's quite possible that the items were washed and tidied up before being sold.

But if the clothes were washed in water at a temperature below 50 degrees Celsius, the parasites or their offspring may remain.

Mattresses, blankets and pillows

Bedding can also contain insects, since some cannot be removed by washing (for example, bedbugs).

Insects can end up in your pillow or mattress. You will have to get rid of them with dry cleaning, and then you won’t be able to save money.

Upholstered furniture

When the child grows up and has to change his sleeping place, you should not buy a sofa or a bed for half price. The problem is the same - hygiene, insects. In addition, you need to think about posture and it would be better to buy an orthopedic mattress.

Earlier we talked about how notto raise a “whiner” out of a child .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Shoes
  2. Hats and scarves
  3. Mattresses, blankets and pillows
  4. Upholstered furniture

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