How to Understand That a Teenager is Lying: Advice for Parents

23.05.2024 19:02

All parents were once teenagers. Teenagers don't understand this and therefore desperately try to mislead their parents or simply lie.

Parents in the hustle and bustle of life or due to a high degree of trust in their child may not notice the untruth.

Here are some tips that will help you come to your senses in time and understand that your teenager is hiding something or not telling you everything.

The easiest way to dispel doubts is to ask a question that can only be answered unambiguously. Then it remains to observe the reaction and analyze.

1. You can safely talk about deception if the teenager is demonstratively reserved. Experts are sure that this is the first sure sign of a hidden truth.

Photo: Pixabay

2. If, before answering your question, the child stalls for time, gets distracted, uses a smartphone, adjusts things unnecessarily - all this is an attempt to gain time in order to come up with at least something plausible.

3. Hands. Be sure to pay attention to the child's hands. He may be fiddling with something in his hands while answering the question. Active gesticulation may be a sign of nervousness, which again indicates a dishonest answer.

4. If a child hides the truth, he tries to "hide" from his parents. This could be a toy, a phone, a computer, or even a textbook. He will try to protect his personal space by any means.

5. And don’t forget the time-tested method – just look into the eyes.

Usually, only those who have something to hide, both children and adults, try to hide from a close look.

Earlier we told you about 3 financial mistakes parents make .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor