Although ADHD is quite common, awareness of it is still quite low.
With this article we will try to at least slightly improve the current situation.
First of all, we suggest finding out whether it is true that ADHD occurs in a child as a result of excessive use of various gadgets and exposure to television.

Let's think logically: smartphones, computers and televisions are present in one way or another in the lives of almost all modern children.
However, the syndrome we are talking about now is not observed in everyone.
If you still doubt the validity of the conclusion made, we note that official medicine does not have objective evidence that a large amount of time in front of a screen is a significant factor in the development of ADHD.
However, this information does not in any way change the fact that reasonable screen time limits should be set for children and adolescents.
ADHD is largely (40-75%) determined by genetics, as well as other factors, including the characteristics of intrauterine development, environment, upbringing, etc.
Previously, we talked about what NPR is and how many times a baby should wake up during the night.