Many parents have no idea how to instill a love of reading in their child.
And this is not surprising, because a child, first of all, needs a good example in front of his eyes, while a phone can be seen in the hands of moms and dads much more often than a book.
Despite this, the simple rules in this article will help you make your child love reading.

1. Make it a habit to go to a bookstore with your child and choose two books at once – one for yourself and the other for your son or daughter.
2. Create a cozy reading area with a comfortable chair and good lighting.
3. Start reading aloud to your child and at the most exciting moment, stop and leave the room. The child will want to know what happened next and will most likely start reading on their own.
4. Discuss what you have read with your child or teenager – it doesn’t matter.
5. Help your child create his own library and teach him to value books. Even if his library contains only 10 books, there should definitely be a luxurious edition among them that the child can show off to his friends.
6. Don't bargain with your child by offering to read a certain number of pages in exchange for computer time. Also, don't force children to read as retribution for a misbehavior. Remember: reading should be a pleasure, not a punishment.
Earlier we wrote about how to understand that a child is turning into a teenager.