Many associate the Soviet era with shortages, lack of freedom of speech and other hardships.
But it must be acknowledged that education, medicine and social services of those times were the best. And people raised by Soviet grandmothers achieved everything through their own labor.
The children knew what discipline, patience and work were, and grew up to be intelligent and literate people.
Experts have revealed which parenting techniques used by Soviet grandmothers will not hurt today.
Every Soviet schoolchild knew what a daily routine was. He went to bed no later than 10:00 PM, and not only because he didn’t have a smartphone or was forbidden to watch TV, which at that time didn’t have much to watch.
Even the pediatrician Benjamin Spock (USA), beloved by many Soviet housewives, advised instilling discipline in children almost from infancy.
Modern psychologists agree with this statement, but urge not to go too far.
"They'll grind everything down"
As folk wisdom says, “patience and work will grind everything down.” Children who were taught to knock together birdhouses, dig and weed beds, carry water from the well and otherwise help adults practically never whined. “They should make nails out of these… children!” a famous poet might have admired.
And the children grew up not only hard-working, but for the most part they were optimistic.
By the way, modern psychologists agree with the method, but with the same minor caveat: don’t overdo it.
Beautiful handwriting is not just a tribute to the teacher who grades notebooks. Modern children do not understand that handwriting strengthens the strength of the hands, develops motor skills, patience and other personal qualities that can be useful in a future profession.
If you ask modern psychologists, they will note that, among other things, penmanship also contributes to brain development. Just don't be a perfectionist.
Children were also taught to respect the older generation and to be independent.
Earlier we talked about why you shouldn’t force your child to eat .