Probably all men dream of a son, and they can be understood - they know exactly how to make a boy happy, since they themselves were once little boys.
A daughter is a closed book for the stronger sex. For this reason, the birth of a girl can be compared to a real discovery for a man, which manifests itself in the following moments.
He becomes an "eligible groom" for underage brides
One day, the time will come when the little daughter will start competing with her mother for her father's attention and will even start making plans for a wedding with her beloved daddy. This phenomenon is called the "Electra complex", and the man will have to find the strength and wisdom in himself to be able to explain to the little girl that his beloved woman is her mother, and she is his beloved daughter. You should choose your words especially carefully so as not to hurt the young "coquette".

He must become a moral model.
In addition, it is important to remember that the girl will use her father as a role model for choosing her future husband. Therefore, he should be a model of morality and not do anything unnecessary so that the daughter does not bring home the wrong person in a few decades.
He may be jealous of more than just his wife.
However, here the daughter should be prepared for the fact that her father will evaluate her chosen one almost under a magnifying glass, and the reason for this is banal jealousy, because it is unlikely that there will be a person in the whole world worthy of his radiant, magnificent, precious daughter.
It must be said that even the most ideal candidate for the daughter's hand and heart will cause jealousy, because all these years it was the father who took care of his daughter, solved her problems, was the closest person to her. Now it's time to give up his place on the pedestal to some young man who doesn't yet know what kind of ice cream his girlfriend likes the most and what movies she prefers to watch on weekends.
Earlier we talked about what to do if your child spends money on all sorts of nonsense.