If a child starts swearing, then it is necessary to take the problem seriously.
First, you should pay attention to your behavior.
You should give up such words and learn to express emotions more correctly.

Still, it is the parents who must become a good example for their son or daughter.
Next, you need to have a calm conversation with the child. It is important to explain why swearing is bad. There should be no harsh reactions, this can complicate the situation.
It is advisable to explain which expressions exactly cannot be used and why.
Sometimes children use swear words when they are experiencing difficulties or stress. It is important to understand the reasons.
In addition, you need to tell your child about words that can be synonyms, but more decent, so that he can clearly convey his emotions without foul language.
If the methods do not help, and the situation is more serious, you should seek help from a psychologist.
Earlier we talked about the mistakes that adults most often make when raising children.