Tongue twisters help in the development of articulation and all organs of the speech apparatus.
In addition, they need to be memorized in order to improve pronunciation, clarity and tempo of speech, develop attention and memory, expand vocabulary... We can go on for a long time.
If you are about to start working with tongue twisters, below you will find some useful tips - with their help, a difficult-to-pronounce phrase will be learned quickly and will bring maximum benefit to the child.

First, have an adult read the text. This should be done slowly and clearly to help the child understand the text and intonation.
Make sure your child understands the meaning of all the words in the text - this simply requires asking a few questions about the content of the tongue twister.
Say the tongue twister together, slowly and clearly pronouncing the sounds. If the text is long, divide it into short parts to make it easier to remember.
Gradually move to the point where the child can pronounce the tongue twister independently, first in a whisper and as clearly as possible, then a little louder, and so on.
Invite your child to recite the tongue twister a little faster, increasing the speed of reciting the text each time.
Earlier we talked about why a child grows up shy .