What to do if your child is lying: simple advice for parents

05.03.2024 08:03

It is not the most beautiful situation when a person is faced with deception. It is unpleasant at any level of relationships, especially when children begin to deceive their parents.

But there is one important point here that can resolve the situation.

Experts reminded parents what they need to pay attention to first.

An important point

A child may have his own secrets or even a mystery. In this case, he does not distort reality, but only hides what he thinks others should not know. Parents should respect this part of life.

But when it comes to "disinformation", then we need to look for reasons. A child may start lying out of fear, disrespect from elders, strict upbringing, bad grades, etc.

Photo: Pixabay


First, you need to remember about personal example. When parents themselves often act the same way, do not keep promises, and so on, then the child will soon begin to copy their behavior.

Secondly, excessive strictness of parents can inspire children with the idea that if they slightly embellish reality, i.e. tell lies, then life can be more comfortable and safer. This can happen when no one takes into account the interests of the child.

Thirdly, parents can establish strict rules of behavior in the family, but not follow them themselves or follow them according to their mood. In this case, personal example and adequate assessment of the situation are again important.

Advice to parents

To get your relationship with your children back on track, don't lecture them for long, telling parables and stories from life. It's better to explain what can and cannot be done.

But an even more important point is to stop lying yourself.

Previously, we talked about how to understand that a child is facing bullying at school.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. An important point
  2. Reasons
  3. Advice to parents