Experts identify five main reasons that, in their opinion, prompt children to spoil or break toys.
Not all of them are considered harmless and not all of them can be explained by curiosity or a desire to learn more about how everything works inside.
Perhaps the parents themselves make mistakes - here are some tips to help you figure it out.

Age categories
It is not without reason that manufacturers are required to put markings on their products. Some toys are not suitable for children due to their age.
The result is broken wheels or torn off ears and paws of animals.
Doesn't live up to expectations
Here the scenario is something like this: children can expect that instead of a broken toy they will be bought a new one.
Therefore, they try to get rid of what they don’t like, even in barbaric ways.
Aggression and lack of restraint
Time spent watching TV or playing on gadgets can make a child aggressive.
In this case, the child will vent his discontent, irritation and anger on toys.
Against the background of the listed reasons, this is the most popular and harmless.
Most often, musical toys, dolls, and sometimes small household appliances that may end up in the hands of a child are subject to “opening”.
It is possible that this is one of the attempts to attract the attention of parents.
This happens when children feel that no one is paying attention to them. As a result, they start to misbehave, trying to earn their parents' favor.
Earlier we talked about whether it is necessary to help a child with homework .