Why other children don’t want to be friends with a child: experts named 3 main reasons

11.01.2024 14:29

It is worth understanding that the most important communication skills are acquired and honed in childhood, so you need to be able to make friends.

However, a situation often occurs where one child in a group of children can become isolated because the other children do not want to communicate with him.

What are the reasons?

The child does not know how to communicate

Some children want to be the center of attention all the time, so they try to "outshine" others. The kids are unlikely to like this. It is worth teaching the child to listen to his comrades, to be positive in communication, to be able to make concessions.

Photo: Pixabay

If you constantly interrupt everyone and show disrespect, then you are unlikely to find friends, experts say.


In order to be the first to talk to other children, a child must overcome shyness. Otherwise, other children may not take the initiative.

If you know that shyness is a current problem for your child, then it is important to work on it.

The child doesn't need this

Introverts are not so common, but they do exist. Parents should be patient and study the peculiarities of their child.

This will help you understand your children and try to solve the problem of loneliness.

Previously, we talked about the kind of men who are dangerous to have children with .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are the reasons?
  2. The child does not know how to communicate
  3. Embarrassment
  4. The child doesn't need this

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