Many women do not suspect that maternity leave can become a real test for them.
Of course, it is pleasant for a young mother to spend time with her baby, but the monotony of leisure time has a depressing effect on many.
This increases the risk of developing depression and contributes to frustration.

To avoid such negative scenarios, you need to pay attention to some tricks.
What do they consist of?
Find nice women among other young mothers
The sphere of communication during maternity leave inevitably changes: friends, parents and spouses keep the same schedule. Also, your usual circle of friends may have a completely different sphere of interests.
But among other young mothers you can always find comrades and like-minded people. This will help make your maternity leave brighter and more productive.
Make time for self-care
Many women are used to taking on literally all the responsibilities around the house, not forgetting to look after the baby. This is, of course, a commendable approach, but not every young mother will be able to withstand such a rhythm of life.
Try to find a common language with your spouse: if your husband helps you at least a little, then you will be able to find time to take care of yourself. And this brings back a good mood for many women, experts say.
Quality walks
Young mothers walk a lot, because children need fresh air. Therefore, you can avoid monotony with the help of walks. Just try to walk in new places or at least get to the meeting place by an unusual route.
Don't forget about self-development
Many women note that during maternity leave they completely forgot about their areas of interest, hobbies, and professional ambitions.
Therefore, you need to find time to work on your own development.