Modern women have a very difficult time because society expects them to be model mothers, perfect mothers and excellent housewives.
Not everyone can cope with such a set of responsibilities.
What 3 rules will help you successfully combine motherhood with a career
It's not only a woman who should take care of the house and children
It would be unfair for a man to load a woman with a huge number of responsibilities and then sit back and relax. If both parents work, it is important to be able to share the responsibilities.

It is not necessary to force your husband to do everything, as it depends on the workload at work. But it is necessary to make a list of duties for all family members.
Mental Health Care
If a woman regularly experiences physical and emotional exhaustion, this can cause a nervous breakdown and even depression.
Experts recommend that mothers spend at least an hour a day taking care of their mental health.
Instill respect for work
In many families, it is customary to value exclusively the man’s work, but the mother’s career aspirations are treated with indulgence.
But it often happens that a woman earns as much as a man, or even more.
If your family members respect your work, you will no longer feel guilty about not paying more attention to your children and marriage.