5 Signs of a Bad Mom

05.11.2024 10:01

“I’m a bad mother”... This phrase can be heard from many women.

But it is worth emphasizing right away: some representatives of the fair sex judge themselves too harshly.

They may actually be very good mothers, but they just take the problems that inevitably arise when raising a child too seriously.

Photo: © Belnovosti

However, there are also women who give a fair negative assessment of themselves as mothers.

How do you know if you are a good or bad mom?

It's very simple: analyze the signs listed below. If they have nothing to do with you, then you can rejoice: you are raising your child correctly.

But if at least one of these characteristics is relevant, then you should change your behavior when communicating with your baby.

Often criticizes

It is clear that sometimes a child needs to be criticized. After all, there must be a reaction to his bad behavior.

But it is important not to overdo it. You should not constantly scold the child and put serious psychological pressure on him because of every little mistake.

If you ignore this rule, the baby will become insecure and unsure of himself. In addition, he will develop hostility towards his own mother.

Therefore, keep to the limit. And never criticize your child for something that is not his fault (for example, for his appearance).

Also, try to criticize not so much the child himself, but his actions. For example, instead of "You are stupid" you should say the following: "You acted stupidly."

Compares with other children

A mother makes a serious mistake when she compares her child with other children.

Be aware: this approach will not make the child act and "catch up" with his peers. On the contrary, the child will have a feeling that "something is wrong" with him.

Remember that every child is good at something and bad at something else. And there is no need to create "ratings".

Makes you feel guilty

A good mother will not say the following phrases: “I couldn’t sleep at night because of you”, “I spent so much energy on you”, “I have to spend a lot of money on you”.

After such remarks from the mother, the baby begins to feel guilty. And this is very bad!

Refuses to listen

A good mother will never "brush off" her child.

She will definitely listen to the baby if he turns to her with a request or complaint.

Overprotective of the child

Oddly enough, this behavior is also a sign of a bad mother.

Remember: overprotection is harmful to children, as it makes them dependent and indecisive.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Often criticizes
  2. Compares with other children
  3. Makes you feel guilty
  4. Refuses to listen
  5. Overprotective of the child

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