The life of a domestic cat is not so fun - here's what kind of entertainment they expect from their owners.
Igor Zur There are cats living in the apartment facts about cats pets and animals Tips for cat owners Pets 17 December 2024Five prohibitions that cat owners must follow have been named.
Igor Zur pets and animals cat health Tips for cat owners prohibitions Pets 28 November 2024Four tips to help calm a cat that's running wild at night.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat behavior cat in the apartment pets Pets 12 October 2024In modern pet stores you can find a lot of different toys for cats. Such a variety cannot but please, but the price for them often causes exclusively negative emotions.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals games for cat Pets 1 June 2024A cat does not always scratch because it is defending itself or attacking a potential aggressor - this is normal behavior for it.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment cat behavior Tips for cat owners pets Pets 14 February 2024If you don't buy toys for your cat and don't spend time playing with it, be prepared for the animal to find another way to fulfill its play needs.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets pets and animals toys Pets 14 December 2023Cats are generally extremely curious and playful, so many pet owners create special play areas for them.
Elena Shimanovskaya games for cat cats cats pets pets and animals Pets 30 November 2023