Coffee is unequivocally recognized as beneficial for health, of course, if we are talking about its moderate consumption.
Scientists have taken the next step in this direction and named the most beneficial type of coffee for brain health in particular.
Instant, filtered and espresso coffee were used for the analysis. The results of the work were published by the Dailymail.

What we managed to find out
British researchers have concluded that excessive consumption of instant coffee contributes to the development of certain types of cancer.
This is because this drink contains twice as much acrylamide as ground coffee.
But in order to feel the full negative effect, you need to drink up to 10 cups of instant coffee a day.
Filtered coffee and espresso were found to be healthier.
Filtered coffee is prepared using a paper or mesh filter, which helps reduce the risk of developing arterial disease.
Espresso, like cappuccino or latte, turned out to be the most beneficial for the brain.
The drink reduces the level of toxic proteins (associated with Alzheimer's disease), amyloids, reduces the number of inflammatory reactions, and prevents the death of brain cells.
In short, this type of coffee greatly protects against the risk of developing dementia.
However, the main thing is not the type or method of preparation of the drink, but its moderate consumption.
For reference
Espresso (from Italian espresso) is a method of preparing coffee by forcing hot water under pressure through a filter with ground coffee.