Lemon is considered an excellent addition to black tea. It gives the drink an unrivaled aroma and a pleasant aftertaste.
But the body will not receive any special benefit from such tea drinking. At the same time, few people know that there are more affordable and much more effective additives to tea.
Nutritionist Anna Bazhenova in an interview with SB.by called mint the best additive for black tea.

Tea with mint
The combination of ingredients enhances each other's properties.
Thanks to the menthol, antioxidants and organic acids contained in mint, the tea will have an antiseptic and relaxing effect.
Besides, the taste will be no worse than black tea with lemon.
The expert advises adding mint to black tea to combat headaches, colds, and digestive problems.
The drink will invigorate you, and at the same time the body will not experience serious stress.
Therefore, it is suitable for use both in the morning, when you need to wake up, and in the evening, when you want to relax before going to bed.