Winter blues are not talked about as often as autumn blues, but they do exist and are caused by the same cloudy days and short daylight hours.
But words won't help matters, so instead of counting the days until spring, experts advise the following.
As researchers from the University of Portsmouth have discovered, winter training can help combat seasonal affective disorder, commonly known as the blues.

A remedy for the blues
In 2020 (at the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic), studies were conducted that found that regular exercise reduces the risk of developing depression.
The effect was observed even in those who were genetically predisposed to depression.
One of the methods the researchers identified was hardening or bathing in cold water.
It stimulates the production of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which improves mood.
However, it is not the type of exercise that is of decisive importance, but the state of health.
Therefore, patients with cardiovascular diseases should consult a doctor before starting any exercise program.
Preparing for classes
It is extremely important to warm up and stretch indoors, choose suitable clothing and comfortable shoes, and avoid hypothermia and frostbite.