Be careful with this meat: there may be dire consequences for your health

29.12.2024 17:58

Many people prefer artificial meat to natural meat.

But this category of citizens does not know what danger this product poses.

It turns out, as scientists have discovered, that eating artificial meat is fraught with an increased risk of “acquiring” depression.

This conclusion was reached by researchers from the British University of Surrey after analyzing data from 3,342 people, two-thirds of whom were women.

The researchers published the results of their work in one of the specialized scientific journals.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Scientists have found that among vegetarians who ate artificial meat, the risk of depression was 42% higher than among those who did not eat it.

But that's not all. Experts also found that people who eat meat substitutes are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure and inflammation.

Scientists have put forward the following hypothesis: the link between plant-based meat substitutes and mental disorders may be due to inflammation in the body.

The latter, experts suggest, has a negative impact on the functioning of chemicals in the brain.

In turn, disrupted functioning of these substances leads to the emergence of mental illnesses.

At the same time, according to the study, the likelihood of developing irritable bowel syndrome in consumers of artificial meat is 40% lower.

Experts say cultured meat could be helpful when switching to a plant-based diet.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor