Failure to wear a hat during the cold season can have serious consequences.
This was warned by the expert physician of the Hemotest Laboratory, Alexandra Fileva.
Her statement is quoted by

What happens if you don't wear a hat
As the doctor explained, there is no subcutaneous fat on the head to protect against the cold.
A person loses most of their heat through their head, Fileva continued.
Overcooling the head is a serious blow to the immune system, the doctor warned.
According to her, if your immune system is strong, then walking without a hat will not cause any harm.
But if the immune system is weakened by a lack of vitamins, lack of sleep and physical inactivity, hypothermia can become a trigger.
Colds, sinusitis, flu, otitis, sinusitis, meningitis, and exacerbations of chronic diseases often begin with hypothermia.
The doctor also noted that there are many blood vessels in the head. In the cold they narrow, and when they get warm they expand.
This can lead to dizziness, headaches and hair loss.
In addition, not wearing a hat can lead to frostbite on the ears, Fileva added.