Surely, many people sometimes say: “I have such a brutal appetite that I could eat an elephant.”
If this is a one-time occurrence, then it is not a big deal. But if you constantly want to eat, you should think about your health.
Unfortunately, in many cases people don’t even think about this signal from the body. In vain.

First of all, because such an insatiable desire is fraught with overeating, which is a direct path to serious problems.
But this very overeating can also be caused by existing diseases.
According to doctors, overeating most often causes diabetes, insulin deficiency, or cell resistance to this hormone.
All of the above mentioned problems make it difficult for glucose to enter cells.
In turn, a deficiency of glucose stimulates the food center – this is where the constant desire to eat comes from.
Doctors often observe similar phenomena in diabetics.
In addition, constant hunger may indicate hyperthyroidism, a problem with the thyroid gland in which the production of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine increases.
In this case, a brutal appetite is accompanied by weakness, hair loss and constant causeless irritability.
Another reason for painful hunger is helminthiasis or parasitosis.
As a rule, these diseases are a consequence of consuming undercooked meat, river fish or non-bottled water.