Everyone knows that eating at night is not a good idea, but we are not always able to control our appetite.
Therefore, it is better to know about the products that can be consumed before bed without risk to health and figure.
How can you pamper yourself?
Cottage cheese
If you eat a small portion of cottage cheese without sugar or sour cream, it will not cause any particular harm to your body and figure. You can add some berries to make the snack more delicious.
This type of cheese can be safely classified as a dietary food product that does not have a high calorie content. Tofu also quickly satisfies hunger.
Portion of fish
If we are talking about fish cooked by steaming or in the oven, then it can be consumed at night. However, it is not worth consuming more than one hundred grams.
It is known that milk will not only cope with hunger pangs, but will also make your sleep better and more pleasant.
You can "treat" yourself to a portion of turkey or chicken. Poultry meat is consumed boiled. No more than one hundred grams are consumed at a time.