A person can lose consciousness due to a variety of reasons: for example, due to pain, shock, bleeding, fear, etc.
If you do not have special knowledge, you should not take any active actions, as they can worsen the condition of the victim.
However, there are general recommendations that say how to provide first aid in case of fainting before the arrival of doctors. Therefore, the first thing to do is to call an ambulance.

1. Eliminate the factor that led to the fainting condition – take the victim out of the crowd, move him out of the sun into the shade, and in a stuffy room, open the windows to provide an influx of fresh air.
2. A person who has started to fall should be supported so that he does not hit his head on the ground or floor.
3. Try to ease the victim’s condition by unbuttoning his collar, removing his tie, loosening his belt, etc.
4. The head should be positioned on the side so that in case of vomiting the person does not choke, and the legs should be raised slightly.
5. To bring the victim back to his senses, he should rub his hands, fingers, feet, temples and ears, and you can sprinkle his face with cool water.
6. But in the case of ammonia, you should be more careful: cotton wool soaked in the liquid can only be given to adults to sniff. Children should not inhale ammonia vapors.
Earlier we named a dessert that is good for the brain and vision.