Delicate cheeses should not be eaten with these products: mistakes made by almost everyone

24.01.2024 21:57

Consumption of gourmet cheeses requires adherence to certain rules.

We tell you what you can and cannot combine with gourmet cheeses.

How to eat gourmet cheeses correctly

Nutritionists recommend combining gourmet cheeses with fruits, honey, and nuts.

the secret
Photo: © Belnovosti

It is not recommended to eat blue cheese with sausage, fatty meats, poultry, or pickles.

You can eat no more than 50 grams of gourmet cheeses per day.

Blue cheese, salty and fatty varieties should not be consumed every day.

Gourmet cheeses should be consumed with caution by those with cardiovascular, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as by pregnant and lactating women.

Previously, we talked about what foods you need to eat for liver health.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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