3 Habits That Damage Your Skin: Expert Opinion

17.01.2024 15:11

Rarely can a person boast of ideal skin condition, but few people know that it will largely depend on our habits.

The most pronounced negative effect is observed when smoking and drinking alcohol.

But this is not the whole list.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What habits cause skin problems?

Passion for sweets

If you don’t want to spend your whole life fighting acne and premature wrinkles, you just need to eliminate sugar from your diet.

If this is too difficult to do, then you need to learn to limit yourself, experts say.

Fried food

There is nothing useful in such food. Fried food spoils not only the skin, but also destroys health. Therefore, instead of frying, it is reasonable to choose baking - the taste will remain almost identical, but the food will not lose its valuable properties.

Lack of water

Due to lack of fluid, the skin begins to look sluggish, "tired" and not young. Also, pimples begin to appear. Therefore, you should try to drink the recommended daily volume of water every day.

It is approximately 30 ml per kilogram of weight.

The liquid should be clean and warm.

Previously, we talked about what kind of tea can be harmful to health .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What habits cause skin problems?
  2. Passion for sweets
  3. Fried food
  4. Lack of water

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