The traditional morning drink should not be brewed immediately after waking up. In this case, you can harm your health.
Any coffee lover needs to remember some rules so that coffee not only pleases with a special aroma, but also brings benefits.
As scientists have explained, one should not drink more than four cups of this drink per day.

In addition, it is important to remember that you can get the maximum energy boost by drinking a portion of your favorite drink between 9:30 and 11 am.
This will also help avoid the jitters that can sometimes come from caffeine.
According to the Daily Mail , research conducted in 2009 showed that levels of the stress hormone cortisol are highest in the morning, with concentrations dropping sharply first at 9:30 a.m. and then at 1 p.m.
Doctors also recommend stopping drinking coffee eight hours before bedtime if you don't want to face insomnia. After all, lack of sleep has a negative impact on your health.
Earlier we talked about why you shouldn’t throw away coffee grounds.