The designer told how to increase the value of an apartment with the help of renovation and not make a mistake in doing so.
Igor Zur Designer's tips apartment design apartment renovation repair errors Design and interior 15 January 2025We'll tell you why they actually made a window between the kitchen and bathroom in Khrushchev-era buildings.
Timur Khomichev Khrushchev window Design and interior 7 August 2024The layout of apartments in typical houses can hardly be called ideal, with their small living rooms, inconvenient kitchens and long corridors.
Elena Shimanovskaya apartment small apartment Designer's tips Design and interior 24 May 2024A studio is usually a small apartment. Another feature is the minimum number of walls and partitions.
Elena Shimanovskaya apartment studio repair repair errors Designer's tips Design and interior 6 May 2024Unfortunately for their residents, non-standard apartment layouts are not something rare.
Elena Shimanovskaya apartment house Designer's tips Design and interior 25 December 2023