Brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth is usually not enough to eliminate the smell of alcohol.
We'll tell you what you need to do to quickly get rid of the smell of fumes.
First and foremost, you need to drink as much liquid as possible.
You can speed up the process of detoxification of the body with the help of water with lemon, coffee and tea.
Secondly, you should eat soup. Fruits and vegetables will also help activate metabolism.
Thirdly, you need to take a shower. It will not only wash away the smell from your skin, but also speed up the removal of toxins.
If there are no hangover symptoms, light physical activity will help.
If you need to quickly get rid of the smell of fumes, you can resort to folk methods.
For example, you can chew crushed coffee beans or bay leaves.
Fresh cilantro and parsley leaves also help to mask the smell of fumes.
Another option is dark chocolate. The higher the cocoa content, the better. Milk chocolate won't work.
Alternatively, you can drink a tablespoon of olive oil.