Add a little salt when washing clothes. The effect will pleasantly surprise you.

17.12.2024 14:56

Nowadays, people try to save on everything. Including washing powders, which are not cheap.

But the problem is that cheap ones tend to be ineffective.

There is a product (available in every home) that will help you cope with the task of washing no worse than even the most effective powders.

Yes, we are talking about the most common table salt. Experienced housewives say: as an auxiliary agent - an ideal option for washing.

Even the dirtiest items of clothing are transformed after meeting with salt in such a way that even the most advertised powders will be envious.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Salt will also refresh white clothes, while colored clothes will become more saturated and vibrant after washing.

All you need to do is add a little salt to the detergent compartment of your washing machine.

And, by the way, salt, in addition to its other advantages, is distinguished by the fact that it softens water, protects the washing machine from scale, eliminates unpleasant odors, and makes things soft and fresh.

As for the amount of salt used, it depends on the load of the washing machine.

If you are washing a small amount of items, 1-2 tablespoons will be enough; if you are washing a large batch, you can add half a glass.

Another advantage of salt is that it copes well with difficult to remove stains.

It is enough to sprinkle the product on the dirty areas of the fabric or treat them with a saline solution (just wet them).

Leave it for a few hours, then put it in the washing machine. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor