How to Properly Store Opened Canned Food: Notes for Housewives

07.12.2023 16:03

Products in cans have long become commonplace.

Housewives often buy them before holidays to complement various appetizers and salads.

But not everyone knows how exactly they should be stored after opening the jar.

It is important to put such products in the refrigerator in time, since the packaging is already sealed, which means that at room temperature the product will spoil faster.

You shouldn't leave canned meat, fish or vegetables in a tin can.

Photo: Pixabay

It is advisable to transfer them into plastic, ceramic or glass containers that close well.

If there is any brine left, pour it over corn, cucumbers or peas.

Meat can be covered with melted fat, but it is advisable to cover canned fish with vegetable oil. In this case, the products will not spoil too quickly.

If all conditions are met, then canned food can be stored for up to 3-4 days.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor