Modern housewives have almost learned how to store bananas correctly, and therefore are in no hurry to stuff them into the refrigerator.
The second problem remains to be solved - the black or brown spots that appear. It turns out that this problem is not a problem at all, because it is solved very easily.
They say that thanks to this kitchen trick, overseas treats will last for at least 2 weeks and nothing will happen to them.
The easiest way is to buy bananas every day or every other day, fortunately, this is no longer a scarce commodity in stores and bananas are delivered as often as bread.
If you are interested in stocking up on bananas for future use, you will need to take into account a couple of recommendations.
Firstly, they cannot be kept for a long time, and especially not stored in bags. It does not matter whether it is a paper bag or a plastic one. They begin to turn black for this very reason.
Secondly, bananas need not just air, but a well-ventilated room.
If the air temperature and other conditions allow, then there is no better place than on the balcony.
The only limitation in this case is high temperatures in summer and low temperatures in winter.