Every housewife wants to simplify her life so that she can spend less time cleaning and solving other problems.
Therefore, there are many different life hacks that help to cope with all this.
Today we will look at options for storing cereals.
As you know, over time, various bugs can start to appear in them, and sometimes they can already be in the packaging itself.
If such were found in the package, then the entire product should be thrown away; such porridge is definitely not suitable for cooking.
Therefore, experienced housewives immediately after purchase put cereals in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer). This simple option will save you from trouble. At the same time, you do not need to open the package itself. If there were any larvae in the package, they will die under the influence of cold.
After a few days, you can pour the buckwheat or rice into glass jars and store them on the shelves in the cupboards.
It is worth adding that the product can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time, which increases its shelf life. However, if the cereal is kept in the refrigerator for too long, this may affect the taste characteristics, they may become a little worse.