How to Increase Stress Resistance? Psychologist's Advice

08.01.2023 08:40
Updated: 13.04.2023 03:42

Stress resistance is an acquired ability or skill that helps a person overcome negativity and keep emotions under control in difficult situations.

If a person lacks this skill, he or she can develop it independently.

Business psychologist Stanislav Sambursky said that he often witnessed clients experiencing problems at work, and the reason for this was a low level of stress resistance.

The psychologist's task is to help develop this skill, after which the career and personal life acquire a new meaning. In the current situation, stress resistance is more important than ever. It helps to accept the changed reality, overcome conflicts at work, maintain relationships with loved ones, etc.

To increase stress resistance, you should pay attention to the following aspects of life.

Photo: Pixabay

1. Observe biorhythm

  • Go to bed and wake up at a time that is comfortable for you.
  • Work during the day and don't put things off until later.
  • Set time for rest.
  • Dedicate the beginning of the working day to the most difficult and responsible tasks.

2. Don't use gadgets an hour before bed.

For a good night's sleep, the brain needs rest. Any information noise in the form of TV, watching movies, playing games, and texting on the phone prevents this.

If you lie down on the pillow right away, you won't fall asleep right away: the brain has to process the information it has received. Therefore, it is best to air out the room an hour before bed, turn on relaxing music, take a walk in the fresh air, or take a bath.

This exercise will quickly become a habit and will help increase stress resistance. Working days will no longer be burdensome, and productivity will increase.

3. Eliminate stimulants

The modern world is "obsessed" with coffee. On the way to work, a person passes at least 2-3 coffee shops, from which a tempting aroma comes. You want to go in and buy a tonic glass. But the more a person drinks caffeinated drinks, the more his resources are depleted.

Through them the body does not receive additional energy, on the contrary, it loses it. As a result, most employees come to work not invigorated, but exhausted.

Nothing replenishes the body's energy as well as a deep and healthy sleep.

4. Do exercises or go for a run

In a situation where 24 hours a day is not enough for a person, it is not possible to find free minutes to do physical exercises in the morning and evening. In combination with maintaining healthy biorhythms, getting used to daily exercise will become much easier.

After some time, the person will want to do it himself. The previously alien feeling of a surge of vitality will push him to do it. It is known that moderate physical activity promotes the production of dopamine - the hormone of motivation and joy.


5. Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Improper nutrition has a negative impact on physical and mental health. Eating meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, greens, vegetables and fruits promotes healthy functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. At the same time, the level of stress resistance increases. When a person eats harmful and monotonous food, he deprives himself of the opportunity to adequately resist the outside world. His stress resistance leaves much to be desired.

6. Get rid of additional sources of stress

After reading news sources, you should check their veracity and form your own opinion about it.

The most common source of stress at the moment is the media. Frightening information constantly pops up when viewing the feed in various social networks. You should unsubscribe from such content.

In the frantic pace of life, it is forgotten that the life story of friends and acquaintances on social networks differs from reality - everything is embellished there. People succumb to envy and comparison with others. As a result, internal tension and dissatisfaction with oneself grow.

Toxic people surround us everywhere. As is known, communication with them becomes an additional source of negativity, bile and criticism, so it is advisable to limit contacts with them.

7. Morning is the time for difficult tasks

As a clinical psychologist, I believe that the first hours of the working day are the most productive. This is explained by the fact that the brain is still clear, it is not overloaded with additional information. Therefore, the beginning of the working day is the ideal time to complete the most difficult tasks. Its second half is suitable for tasks that require the least concentration and dedication.

8. Don't get distracted by social networks during working hours

More than once a day, office workers have free time. When it comes, their hand automatically reaches for the phone with the desire to scroll through the news feed. To increase stress resistance, I recommend suppressing this impulse. Communication with colleagues or immersion in a gadget should be done only during lunch break.

9. Step-by-step execution of tasks

It has been scientifically proven that the human brain cannot perform two actions at the same time. When switching attention, the effectiveness decreases, and the person drives himself into stress. It is advisable to do any work in stages, take breaks, drink water and go out into the fresh air.


10. Healthy rest without gadgets

  • It is a mistake to consider watching TV, news feeds and social networks as rest. At such moments the brain does not rest. It continues to intensively process information.
  • Outdoor recreation, gym classes and other dynamic leisure activities activate the body and restore the nervous system.
  • I recommend analyzing your leisure time, understanding what activities bring you the most satisfaction, and eliminating the least productive ones.

11. Prevention is better than cure

A common misconception among office workers is to ignore the first symptoms of fatigue and decide to rest only when absolutely necessary. As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, at the first signs of fatigue, it is important to give yourself a break.

12. Time for yourself

For the healthy functioning of the nervous system, it is desirable for a person to be alone with himself from 30 to 60 minutes a day. Time spent on oneself without gadgets replenishes spiritual and physical strength.

13. Don't waste your energy

  • To understand the correctness of a verified daily routine, you can keep a diary of emotions. In it, you write down all the feelings expressed during the day, what caused them and what actions were taken to combat negativity.
  • To relieve nervous tension before going to bed, it is useful to sum up the day in a positive way: “I got everywhere today”, “I felt only positive”, “Everything is good in my family”, etc.
  • Writing down on paper the useful actions taken during the day or week will help you get rid of uncertainty and fear for the future.


14. Problem = task

  • Transforming problems into tasks helps you get out of difficult situations faster.
  • In times of difficulty, it is important not to be afraid to ask for help, delegate some tasks to other people, and adequately assess your strengths.
  • The key step in overcoming stress is to reconsider your attitude towards it, that is, to transform it into a new stage for self-development. Stress does not just appear, it means that mistakes have been made somewhere that need to be corrected; something is missing and it is time to develop new personal qualities.

Living in constant stress is not a healthy situation that can cause conflicts in the family and at work. If independent attempts to overcome stress do not lead to the desired results, it is important not to let the situation go and contact a specialist, -
Stanislav Sambursky, clinical psychologist, business psychologist.

Author: Belnovosti Editing of the Internet portal

  1. 1. Observe biorhythm
  2. 2. Don't use gadgets an hour before bed.
  3. 3. Eliminate stimulants
  4. 4. Do exercises or go for a run
  5. 5. Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  6. 6. Get rid of additional sources of stress
  7. 7. Morning is the time for difficult tasks
  8. 8. Don't get distracted by social networks during working hours
  9. 9. Step-by-step execution of tasks
  10. 10. Healthy rest without gadgets
  11. 11. Prevention is better than cure
  12. 12. Time for yourself
  13. 13. Don't waste your energy
  14. 14. Problem = task