How much does the largest gooseberry weigh: summer residents, remember the name of the variety

06.12.2024 15:34

Among the world records one can find, among others, the largest gooseberry ever grown by man.

It is not known how much and what kind of fertilizers the gardener Graham Watson from Great Britain spent on this, and it does not matter - the main thing is that the record is counted.

The largest gooseberry ever grown was produced in the UK and was displayed at the Egton Bridge Agricultural Show on 6 August 2019.

The berry weighed 64.83 grams or 2.28 ounces. For comparison, the average weight of a berry of this plant does not exceed 10-14 grams.

We are talking about the Millennium variety - these are yellow berries.

Photo: © Belnovosti

A similar record was set on August 21, 2013. Then farmers presented a gooseberry weighing 64.49 grams.

It is known that the berry was assessed according to several parameters, and it had to be weighed twice to obtain the most accurate readings.

It should be noted that Briton Graham has already set the 10th record in his life, of which the achievement with berries is the 7th in a row.

No less interesting is the fact that the gooseberry lovers’ society “The Egton Bridge Old Gooseberry Society” has existed since 1800.

That is, the organization that runs the exhibition is the longest-running organization of its kind in the world and one of the oldest and continuously operating in the UK.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor