If a cat purrs, it means that everything is fine with its mood and well-being. This is what people think, but not experts.
Experts know that the famous purring of cats depends on a number of reasons and is not always due to a full belly and high feelings for the owner.
In fact, purring can be different, according to staff at the University of Sussex.
This is how a cat can remind its owner that it is time for lunch or dinner.
Hungry kittens purr already on the second or third day from birth, using this ability as a means of communication with the cat.
This is confirmed by an experiment in which pets stopped purring as soon as they were given food.
But that's not all. The purring of a hungry cat is different from the sounds the animal makes while sitting on its owner's lap.
It has been noticed that in the case of food, more high frequencies are heard in the purring of a cat.
The animal “gets wound up” when it is near a sick person or relative, or when it is sick itself.
In these cases, rumbling has a therapeutic effect - it calms.
It has been proven that cats heal themselves in this way, and at the same time help others, including people.
And cats purr simply because they feel good. In this case, the pet's purring can be seen as a sign of trust and a manifestation of the highest feelings towards a person.