How a cat knows when its owner is coming home: incredible abilities

30.01.2025 16:40

It's getting dark outside, and the house cat suddenly comes to life and takes up an observation post at the front door.

After a few minutes, the sound of a key turning in the lock is heard.

The amazing ability of cats to anticipate the appearance of their owners is amazing and makes you think.

Cats' ears can detect sounds up to 65 kilohertz, which is three times greater than human hearing.

Pets are able to distinguish the owner's steps on the stairs, the sound of an approaching car or the noise of an elevator long before the person reaches the door.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Cats have olfactory receptors fourteen times stronger than humans. Animals can detect the smallest particles of their owner's scent, carried by a draft through cracks in doors or windows.

A natural chronometer helps cats accurately determine the time of day. Observing the regular returns of the owner, pets form clear time associations and begin to show activity in anticipation of his arrival.

Sensitive paw pads detect the smallest vibrations of the floor, walls and objects. Cats are able to sense the approach of an elevator, footsteps on the stairs or vibrations from an approaching car.

Cats are very good at remembering their owners' usual routes of movement. By carefully observing their surroundings, they notice the slightest changes in their usual daily routine.

Long-term cohabitation forms a strong psychological bond between the pet and the owner.

Cats sense a person's mood and are able to sense their appearance on an intuitive level.

Cats' keen eyesight allows them to notice the smallest details.

Pets remember the characteristic signs of their owner's approach: the glare of headlights of a familiar car, a shadow on a window, or the movement of a neighbor's curtains.

Observation and learning abilities help cats establish connections between various environmental cues and the presence of their owner.

Animals learn to recognize a whole complex of signs that precede a long-awaited meeting.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor