Can You Train Your Dog to Sleep on a Bed or Couch: Start with the Basics

16.12.2024 13:48

What is allowed for a cat is not allowed for a dog. A blatant injustice, because cats can sleep on their owners' beds day and night and no one will say a word to them.

Dogs are weaned from this habit from an early age. We will not find out why, but rather tell you how to do it.

In fact, dogs want to feel safe just like cats do.

That's why pets, especially puppies, will ask to sleep with their owner.

But in order to avoid problems in the future, it is better to establish boundaries of decency right away.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to stop a dog from sleeping in a bed

Instinct and the desire to feel safe compels a dog to sleep with a person.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is equip your pet with a comfortable bed and train it to the “place” command.

It is clear that at night the dog will not want to return to where it can and should sleep, so you will have to take it away, reminding it of the command once again.

If the dog lies down, be sure to praise and reward him.

What to do if the dog returns to the bedroom? You need to be persistent and patient.

You can't scold or punish your pet. You'll have to get up and take it back to its place each time, repeating the command.

It will be easier to wean your pet if you position the dog's bed so that the owner is within the pet's line of sight.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor