Why does a cat like to sleep on its owner's things: 5 reasons - it turns out it's all quite simple

14.08.2024 21:55

A cat's love for its owner's clothes is a completely normal phenomenon.

Don't be surprised if your cat chooses your sweater, which you forgot on the couch, as its "sleeping place".

And don't be surprised if your furry friend starts paying attention to the laundry basket in the bathroom.

Why do people's personal belongings attract their four-legged friends so much? There are several explanations.

The smell of the owner

Let's start with the most obvious reason for a cat's love for human things.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Clothes smell like the owner to the animal. And this smell is associated with safety and comfort for the purr.

The cat likes the warmth

A sweater may attract an animal because it is warm.

For the same reason, your four-legged friend will most likely not ignore recently ironed items.

The cat likes softness

It is important to remember that clothing is made from soft materials.

The softness and silkiness are quite suitable for meowing pets.

Clothes can easily be transformed into a "nest"

Wardrobe items are also good for cats because they can be easily transformed into a comfortable bed.

The cat wants to leave marks

All cat owners are aware of the desire of their four-legged friends to mark their territory.

Fluffy creatures especially like to leave their scent on freshly washed items. It’s as if the animal wants to say: “This is still my property.”

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. The smell of the owner
  2. The cat likes the warmth
  3. The cat likes softness
  4. Clothes can easily be transformed into a "nest"
  5. The cat wants to leave marks

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