Which pet is suitable for people over 60 – a cat or a dog: scientists answer

04.08.2024 20:40

Scientists have solved the problem of choosing a pet for people over 60. Now it will be easier for them to decide whether to get a cat or a dog.

Researchers suggest relying on dogs, citing the fact that humans are primarily social creatures, and dog owners are the most sociable people.

Research on this topic was conducted by employees of Shanghai University, reports the publication Doctor Piter .

Research details

The study confirmed that the risk of death, regardless of cause, among older people increases due to loneliness.

Then scientists from Germany got involved in the work and found out which animal contributes to human longevity.

Photo: © Belnovosti

To do this, they analyzed data from 2,867 elderly men and women.

The survey of volunteers was conducted in writing and by telephone.

As a result, the scientists formed five groups among the respondents.

These were people who had no pets at all.

Those who kept only a dog or only a cat, as well as people who kept another pet (parrot, fish, etc.).

There were also people who, in addition to a cat or dog, kept another pet.


People who owned at least one dog were several times less likely to suffer from loneliness, depression and mental health problems.

However, no such changes were found in cat owners, as well as in owners of other pets.

Scientists believe that of all living creatures, dogs are the most socialized animals, requiring constant attention, communication and care.

In addition, daily walking is an additional physical activity for a person and an opportunity to communicate with other people.

At the same time, dogs themselves understand a person’s mood well and even provide emotional support.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Research details
  2. Conclusions