Cats seem like well-studied and familiar creatures to many, since in most cases we become acquainted with them in early childhood.
However, this does not stop us from believing in common misconceptions.
In some cases, this statement can be called fair: if a person has failed to build a trusting relationship with a pet, then one can forget about love.
However, most often there is obvious sympathy on the part of the cat towards its owner, experts note.
This stereotype is dangerous for the health and life of the pet, so it should be abandoned as soon as possible. Do not assume that cats are in perfect health. There are cases when veterinary help is required immediately.
Instead of wasting precious time, it is worth asking for help.
If you notice that your cat eats little, refuses to drink, hides and looks bad, then this is enough to seek help.
This is an unfair statement that calls for doubting the intellectual abilities of a cat. As a rule, supporters of this theory put forward one argument: the animal is more stupid because it cannot learn commands.
It is worth understanding that the cat is too smart and does not see the point in performing tricks for its owner.
We previously wrote about three popular stereotypes about dogs .