How to Prepare a Dog for a Visit from Guests – Everyone Should Be Comfortable: Tips from Dog Trainers

04.01.2024 13:43

When guests or other strangers visit, cats try to hide in a secluded place so that no one disturbs them.

Dogs behave differently, and depending on the breed of the pet, a visit from guests can cause stress or panic in the dog. Therefore, the dog needs to be prepared for a visit from strangers.

You don't need to train your dog so that it treats your guests as family members. It is enough to work on the animal's neutral behavior so that everyone feels comfortable, - the head of the Russian Cynological Federation Vladimir Golubev told MIA "Russia Today" in an interview.

The dog may react violently to the visit of guests, get scared, but may even wet itself with joy.

Any deviation from the norm in the pet's behavior must be stopped.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Guests should also be asked not to allow the dog to "spread its paws", jump on them, not to talk to the dog emotionally, and so on.

It is important that the dog follows simple commands, such as “sit” or “lie down,” which need to be given when strangers visit the house.

If the dog is afraid, you need to take him to a quiet place and not disturb him until he shows interest.

Remember that dogs do not tolerate contact with drunk people, which can result in aggressive behavior of the pet.

Earlier we talked about why cats place their hind paws in the tracks of their front paws when walking.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor