Why does a dog dig the ground: what you need to know about the behavioral characteristics

21.06.2023 15:39

If a dog digs the ground, there is nothing wrong with it, unless, of course, the pet is not preparing a tunnel for escape, or is not digging in the garden or on the lawn.

In general, this is quite understandable behavior, not associated with omens or troubles. But the owner should know something.

Why does a dog dig the ground?

1. The pet's hunting instinct has awakened. This often happens with terriers.

2. Perhaps your pet is simply bored and found a way to entertain himself by digging in the ground.

3. On a hot day, the pet will dig the ground to the cool layer, then lie down and cool off.

Photo: © Belnovosti

4. Dogs are known to stock up on provisions for later. A hole is needed for this too.

5. If the dog is expecting puppies, then she may need a pit in preparation for the birth.

In such a case, an attentive owner should think about taking the dog out for a walk, giving it the opportunity to rest in the shade, and taking care of a new toy.

It is also important to let your pet know where it can dig and where it cannot.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor