How a dog influences a person’s emotional background: experts reveal unexpected facts

06.06.2023 18:26

Many have heard that dogs have a significant impact on a person's physical health.

Increased physical activity increases life expectancy and significantly reduces the risk of heart disease.

However, our pets also have a huge impact on our mental health.

How does this manifest itself?

Relieving symptoms of depression

Yes, your dog may not be able to talk about your feelings or give you good advice, but his presence alone can help you overcome depression faster.

Reducing the destructive effects of stress

Even if you've had a really bad day, a dog can always help make it a little better. Experts say that dog owners are much less likely to experience the dangerous effects of stress.

Photo: © Belnovosti


Caring for a living being always helps people become more sensitive. A person begins to think more often about the feelings of other people and adjust their behavior in accordance with this knowledge.

Communication skills

Having a dog makes a person more sociable. It becomes much easier for such people to meet and maintain contact with loved ones.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. How does this manifest itself?
  2. Relieving symptoms of depression
  3. Reducing the destructive effects of stress
  4. Sensitivity
  5. Communication skills