Sharpening a cat's claws serves several important purposes. The first is to remove old, sharp layers of claws.
Cat claw growth is similar to human nail growth, but cat claws grow much faster and require regular removal of older layers to allow them to grow healthy and sharp.
Cats need claws for protection and hunting.
When a cat is hunting for prey or defending its territory from other cats, it uses its claws to hold and attack prey.
Additionally, cats use their claws to climb trees and other vertical surfaces.
Moreover, sharpening their claws is a natural process for cats to get rid of sharp old layers and keep them healthy.
By sharpening their claws, cats stretch their muscles, which helps them stay flexible and maintain their physical fitness.
Sharpening their claws is another way for cats to mark their territory. The claws have glands that secrete scent substances that cats use to mark their territory and show other cats where they live.
Cats can sharpen their claws on any surface they find suitable - wooden posts and boards, carpets, rugs and furniture.
Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent furniture damage.
For example, you can buy your pet a scratching post that the cat will not refuse. Or apply a repellent to those surfaces in the apartment that need to be protected from the pet.
You can also try to encourage your cat to use only one scratching spot by rewarding her with toys and treats.
Cats that play frequently and receive positive attention tend to scratch in the area where they play, so this can be a useful training method.
In general, scratching is a natural and necessary behavior for cats, and pet owners should provide an alternative so that cats can do it without damaging furniture.